Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 206-208
The term "osteomyelitis" refers to inflammation of the bone marrow as well as the periosteum, cortical, and cancellous regions of the bone. Osteomyelitis of the jaws is more common in developing countries, and treatment can be difficult and time-consuming. Osteomyelitis occurs more frequently in the mandible than in the maxilla because of the latter's lower likelihood of infection due to its large collateral blood flow, thin cortical bones, and scattered bone marrow. To treat this condition, sequestrectomy, debridement of the necrosed bone, and extraction of the affected teeth, along with antibiotic therapy and adjuvant therapy, are needed. Here, we present a rare case of osteomyelitis of the maxilla in an elderly male. The patient was treated with sequestrectomy and no recurrence was observed during the follow up.
Keywords: Osteomyelitis, Maxilla, Bone, Inflammation.
How to cite : Christopher P, Kumari M, Osteomyelitis of maxilla: A rare entity. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2024;10(3):206-208
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Received : 20-07-2024
Accepted : 21-08-2024
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