Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 5-8
Aim: This study evaluated the role of antibiotic prophylaxis in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Patients and Methods: A total of 111 patients included in the study. Out of which 76 patients were included in Group-I- Prophylactic antibiotic group and remaining 35 patients were included in Group-II- Non-antibiotic group. Group-I patients had been given injection crystalline penicillin 20,00,000 units half an hour before surgery. Of these 111 patients, 81 patients underwent surgery under general anesthesia and remaining 30 patients underwent surgery under local anesthesia.
Results: Fourteen patients from Group-I suffered post-surgical infection leading to an infection rate of 18.4% and in Group-II, 6 patients had post-surgical infection leading to an infection rate of 17.14%.
Conclusion: The findings in this study suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis may not alter the incidence of post-surgical infection in oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures.
Keywords: Antibiotics, Prophylaxis, Post-surgical infection, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery
How to cite : Pasupathy S, Ragupathy K, Antibiotic prophylaxis in oral and maxillofacial surgery: use or abuse - A retrospective study. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2017;3(1):5-8
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