Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology


Table of Contents

Year-2022 | Volume: 8 | Issue 3

Review Article

Management of trigeminal neuralgia from past to present: A review

Author : Shaikh Amjad*, Mubasshir Ahmed Shaikh, Shahnawaz Mulani, Revati V Deshmukh

Doi :   Page No : 110-114

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Antioxidants in oral medicine: A review

Author : Atul Ashok Pandharbale, Sidharth Shrikant Joshi*, Dipti Atul Pandharbale

Doi :   Page No : 115-119

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1993)] [Download (412)]

Toluidine blue: As an adjuvant screening tool

Author : Rayees Ahmad Sheikh*, Altaf Hussain Chalkoo, Bashir Ahmad Wani

Doi :   Page No : 125-129

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Estimation of blood loss in maxillofacial surgery

Author : Mohammed Idris Azeez, Dhanush C V*, Suresh Menon, Etiah Sham, M Karthik Vishwas, Veerendra Kumar

Doi :   Page No : 144-149

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Case Series

A series of six uncanny orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts: Revisiting the literature

Author : Hajira Khatoon*, Sahana Srinath, Chandrakala Jayaram, Rhea Verghese, Meghashyama Kulkarni, Renuga Sampath

Doi :   Page No : 157-162

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (880)] [Download (198)]

Case Report

Adenoid (Acantholytic) squamous cell carcinoma of the alveolar ridge: A rare case report

Author : Meghashyama Kulkarni*, Sahana N S, Suresh T, Renuga S, Hajira Khatoon, Rhea Verghese

Doi :   Page No : 163-166

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